Arlene Brewster

(207) 752-7899 direct
Arlene Brewster is a Consultant with Grahall, LLC. She is a consultant on organizational culture, communications, individual position analysis, person/position matching, individual coaching and consultation, and overall people strategy. She provides Grahall with expertise in executive interviews and diagnosing individual/organizational issues across a wide range of people strategy assignments.
Arlene Brewster has over 28 years of experience in individual therapy and organizational consulting. She has worked with organizations in helping them to meet their organizational goals, and has worked with organizations in crisis. Dr. Brewster has had extensive training and experience in Systems Theory, which analyzes closed loop patterns of interaction that prevent change, and Cognitive Behavior therapy. CBT is used extensively in organizations in order to help people overcome barriers to reaching their goals.
Dr. Brewster has been in private practice, and has been adjunct faculty to the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine where she taught medical students and residents in interviewing skills, psychological aspects of medical illness, and medical ethics. She has been a speaker at a number of national organizational meetings.
She received her PhD. from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where she was given the Best Dissertation Award in her field. She received an M.A.T. from the University of Chicago, and a B.A. from Skidmore College.